Table 2: Results from the genotype and allele analysis for rs7077361.

rs7077361 C % (n) PD % (n) Χ2 (df) OR (95% CI) p-value
TT 77.2 (446) 77.4 (382) 0.800 (2) 0.67
TC 21.4 (124) 19.7 (96)
CC 1.4 (8) 1.9 (9)
T 87.9 (1016) 88.3 (860) 0.049 (1) 0.96 (0.74-1.25) 0.82
C 12.1 (140) 11.7 (114)

C= Control subjects, PD= Parkinson’s disease, n= number of individuals, Χ2=Chi-square, df= degrees of freedom, OR=Odds ratio, 95% CI= 95% Confidence interval.