Table 4: Frequency of impairment in respective measures for RRMS and SPMS patients: number and percent (%).

( n=15)
Trial 1
7 (46.6%) 9 (75.0%)
Trials 1 to 5
6 (40.0%) 8 (66.6%)
RAVLT Delayed Recall 4 (26.6%) 7 (58.3%)
Phonological Fluency 4 (26.6%) 7 (58.3%)
Semantic Fluency 3 (20.0%) 6 (50.0%)
SDMT 9 (60.0%) 10 (83.3%)
SNST 4 (26.67%) 6 (50.0%)
TMT - A 5 (53.3%) 7 (53.3%)
TMT - B 7 (46.6%) 9 (75.0%)

RAVLT Trial 1= Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Trial 1; RAVLT Trials 1-5 = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Trial 1-5; RAVLT Delayed Recall= Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed Recall; SDMT = Symbol Digits Modalities Test; SNST = Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test; TMT A = Trail Making Test Part A; TMT A = Trail Making Test Part B
Note: Patients failed a measure (test) if they scored 1.5 standard deviation below the performance of the control group.