Table 2: Health-related quality of life and days of admission for patients in the conservative and surgical groups.

- Group - -
Variable Conservative (n = 25) Surgical
(n = 18)
(N = 43)
- Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Number of admission days 5.2 3.5 9.2 5.9 6.9 5.0 0.009
GOSE 7.9 0.4 7.9 0.5 7.9 0.4 0.950
Emotional functioning 87.4 22.8 88.9 19.1 88.0 21.1 0.823
Social functioning 92.8 16.9 96.4 7.4 94.3 13.7 0.405
School functioning 88.8 22.1 90.0 24.1 89.3 22.7 0.866
Physical functioning (Physical health summary score) 95.3 14.5 94.4 7.8 94.9 12.1 0.832
Psychosocial Health summary score 89.7 19.7 91.8 10.6 90.5 16.3 0.684