Fig. (1). Examined locations of neuropathy along the course of upper limb nerves Circles represent locations for neuropathy. A: Supraclavicular brachial plexus (scalene triangle), B: Clavicular brachial plexus, C: Infraclavicular brachial plexus (minor pectoral muscle), E: Suprascapular nerve (suprascapular notch), D: Axillary nerve (quadrilateral space), F: Musculocutaneous nerve (passage through coracobrachial muscle), G: Radial nerve (triceps arcade, brachioradial arcade, passage over radiohumeral joint), H: Radial nerve (arcade of Frohse), I: Median nerve (medial aspect of upper arm, lacertus fibrosus, pronator teres muscle, arcade of superficial flexor muscle), J: Median nerve (carpal tunnel), K: Ulnar nerve (arcade of Struther, medial head of triceps muscle, sulcus of ulnar nerve, aponeurosis of ulnar flexor of wrist), L: Ulnar nerve (canal of Guyon).Lines represent the inter-correlations studied by hypothesis testing of conditional correlations.