Table 1: Neurological Items Examined

Individual Muscle Strength Sensibility in Homonymous Territories

Posterior deltoid
Biceps brachii
Short extensor of wrist
Radial flexor of wrist Axillary nerve (deltoid region)
Subscapular Medial cutaneous of arm nerve (medial upper arm)
Latissimus dorsi Medial cutaneous of forearm nerve (medial forearm)
Infraspinatus Musculocutaneous nerve (dorsal forearm)
Serratus anterior Radial nerve (1st dorsal web)
Rhomboid Median nerve (volar tip of index finger)
Long flexor of thumb Ulnar nerve (volar tip of 5th finger)
Abductor pollicis brevis
Long extensor of thumb
Deep flexor to 5th finger
Abductor of small finger