Table 1: Basal general, clinical and stroke characteristics in the overall population, and in the subgroups divided according to severity of neurological deficit at presentation (group A and B) and at early follow-up (group C and D, see test). Table reports number and percentage in parenthesis

N = 57
Group A
N = 36
Group B
N = 21
Group C
N = 41
Group D
Not improved
N = 16
General characteristics
Gender males 28 (49 %) 20 (56 %) 8 (38 %) 23 (56 %) 5 (31 % )
Age (mean ±SD) 69.4 ±13.8 69.8 ±12.7 68.8 ±15.9 67.5 ±15.0 74.4 ±8.9
BMI>30 8 (13 %) 8 (13 %) 0 7 (17 %) 1 (5 %)
Smoking 0 0 0 0 0
Clinical characteristics
Hypertension 35 (61 %) 21 (58 %) 14 (66 %) 24 (58 %) 11 (68 %)
Dislipidemia 5 (8 %) 4 (10 %) 1 (5 %) 5 (12 %) 0
Atrial fibrillation 5 (8.3%) 4 (10 %) 1 (5 %) 4 (10 %) 1 (5 %)
Previous stroke/TIA 3 (5%) 3 (7 %) 0 3 (7 %) 0
Diabetes 14 (23 %) 12 (30 %) 2 (10 %) 11 (27 %) 3 (16 %)
Stroke characteristics
Basal NIHSS (mean ±SD) 10.5 ±5.3 7.0 ±1.6 16.4 ±4.0 9.5 ±4.6 13.3 ±6.2
OCSP classification (vascular territory)
TACI 16 (28 %) 8 (19 %) 8 (50 %)
LACI 20 (35 %) 15 (37 5) 5 (31 %)
PACI 18 (32 %) 15 (37 %) 3 (18 %)
POCI 3 (5 %) 3 (7 %) 0
TOAST classification (etiopathogenetic subtypes)
Large vessels 15 (26 %)
Cardioembolic 9 (16 %)
Small vessels 14 (25 %)
Undetermined 19 (33 %)
Other causes 0