Table 3: The effect of various factors that had a statistical effect (p<.1) in the aggregate group on the risk of DVT/PE in each diagnosis group.

Factor TIA Stroke ICH SAH
Length of Stay t(689)=-10.7 p<0.001 t(1284)=-0.87 p=NS t(261)=-2.5 p=0.012 t(186)=-1.92 p=0.06
Initial NIHSS t(272)=-4.1 p<0.001 t(762)=-1.74 p=0.08 t(82)=-0.42 p=NS Not Enough Data
Altered Level of Consciusness χ2=18.6 p<0.001 (0.001) NS NS NS
Heart Failure χ2=4.7 p<0.03 (0.15) χ2=6.4 p=0.01 (0.03) NS NS
Weight (lbs) t(693)=0.43 NS t(1313)=0.6 NS t(267)=-1.3 NS t(267)=-1.8 p=0.07
Weakness χ2=0.8 NS χ2=0.27 NS χ2=3.1 p<0.08 (0.11) χ2=0.57 NS
Ambulatory by day 2 χ2=0.28 NS χ2=0.57 NS χ2=0.55 NS χ2=0.17 NS