Table 1: Effect of DBS on subjective sleep quality.

PDSS sub-Domain Pre-DBS 6 Months % Change p-value
Sleep quality 5.11 5.79 +53.2% 0.228
Sleep onset/maintenance 6.49 7.19 +17.3% 0.051
Nocturnal restlessness 6.06 7.49 +135.8% 0.206
Nocturnal psychosis 9.15 9.01 -1.0% 0.230
Nocturia 5.69 6.91 +28.0% 0.137
Nocturnal motor disturbance 7.09 7.92 +18.7% 0.457
Sleep refreshment 4.93 6.35 +53.0% 0.136
Daytime dozing 5.61 8.09 +37.0% 0.935

Mean PDSS scores are shown for each sub-domain at pre-DBS and after six month assessments. % change refers to the sum of the difference between PDSS sub-domain scores for each individual patient.