Table 7: Results of the weighted mean per theme construct.

Theme Construct Survey Item Weighted Mean Interpretation
I do my daily activities with ease. 3.82 Acceptable
I do not have problems with my activities of daily living such as self-care and elimination patterns. 4.12 Acceptable
I have time to spend for exercises like walking, jogging or running. 3.78 Acceptable
I eat balanced diet. 3.92 Acceptable
I always eat on time. 3.82 Acceptable
I do not smoke or drink alcohol products. 4.40 Highly Acceptable
I regularly go to the hospital for checking my health status. 3.74 Acceptable
I easily recognized signs and symptoms of a disease. 4.05 Acceptable
I engaged with sports and recreational activities. 3.80 Acceptable
I have 6-8 hours of sleep and rest per day. 4.02 Acceptable
Total 3.95 (Acceptable)
I do not have any problems communicating with people verbally. 4.02 Acceptable
I easily understand the non-verbal cues of the people I am talking with. 4.18 Acceptable
I am open to new concepts that can be added to my knowledge, skills and attitude. 4.32 Highly Acceptable
I know my priorities in life. 4.48 Highly Acceptable
I can come up with fair and just decisions all the time. 4.28 Highly Acceptable
I easily cope with stressful situations. 4.12 Acceptable
I can see strengths and opportunities during unfavorable situations. 4.32 Highly Acceptable
I use my core values in my decision-making. 4.38 Highly Acceptable
I can easily learn new skills either at home or in my workplace. 4.25 Highly Acceptable
I can see myself growing with new skills I acquired like creativity and innovativeness. 4.30 Highly Acceptable
Total 4.26 (Highly Acceptable)
I can easily make friends and start a conversation. 3.82 Acceptable
I enjoyed moments with my friends and other people I meet. 4.08 Acceptable
I value my relationship with my family, friends and people I meet every day. 4.30 Highly Acceptable
I am aware of the different cultures, traditions and norms existing in one place. 3.72 Acceptable
I can easily adapt and adjust with new culture. 3.74 Acceptable
I always feel secured and safe in the social environment I belong with. 3.88 Acceptable
I always anticipate and prepare for any environmental climate change. 3.92 Acceptable
I can easily provide my basic needs and wants. 4.45 Highly Acceptable
I can properly budget my money with all of my expenses. 4.30 Highly Acceptable
I am financially stable at the moment. 4.48 Highly Acceptable
Total 4.06 (Acceptable)
I find myself time alone for praying, meditating and appreciate nature. 4.52 Highly Acceptable
I attend religious activities like fellowship program, bible study, etc. 4.32 Highly Acceptable
I consult my spiritual philosophies when making decisions. 4.62 Highly Acceptable
I can easily share my religious practices with others. 3.92 Acceptable
I believe that human being is a steward of God’s creation. 4.22 Highly Acceptable
I am aware and obediently follow the laws and constitutions in the GCC countries. 4.52 Highly Acceptable
I always observe human rights. 4.18 Acceptable
I use my values as my guiding principles in life. 4.58 Highly Acceptable
I decide based from what I know is right. 4.08 Acceptable
I listen to other people would have to say and try to learn from it. 4.12 Acceptable
Total 4.31 (Highly Acceptable)
I always follow the quality standards of my work effectively and efficiently. 4.28 Highly Acceptable
I manage my time effectively between work and family. 4.12 Acceptable
I value my professionalism at work. 4.18 Acceptable
I find my work interesting. 3.98 Acceptable
I feel comfortable with my work environment. 4.08 Acceptable
I feel the support from the people in my workplace. 3.82 Acceptable
I have smooth relationship with my co-workers. 4.12 Acceptable
I attend personality development activities like mentoring and coaching. 3.86 Acceptable
I engage with career development activities like workshops, seminars and conferences. 4.26 Acceptable
I am contented and satisfied with my current job position. 4.36 Acceptable
(n=5) Total 4.11 (Acceptable)
Grand Total (N = 50) 4.14 Acceptable

Interpretation: Highly Acceptable = 4.21-5.00 Acceptable = 3.41-4.20 Moderately Acceptable = 2.61-3.40 Unacceptable = 1.81-2.60 Highly Unacceptable – 1.0-1.80