Table 1: Proportion of types of refractive errors (Myopia, Hyperopia and Emmetropia with astigmatism).

Types of refractive errors Distribution
Overall (N=1374)
(All percentages under this column calculated with N = 1374)
Gender Based Distribution Age based Distribution
Males (N =670)
(All percentages under this column calculated with N = 670)
Females (N = 704)
(All percentages under this column calculated with N = 704)
Age ≤ 40 (N =1284)
(All percentages under this column calculated with N = 1284)
Age >40 (N = 90)
(All percentages under this column calculated with N = 90)
N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
≤ -0.50 D)
Low myopia
(≤ −0.50 D and > −3.00 D)
1262 91.8% 702 51.1% 609 90.9% 390 58.2% 653 92.8% 312 44.3% 1195 93.1% 620 48.3% 67 74.4% 41 45.6%
Moderate myopia
(≤ −3.00 D and > −6.00 D)
400 29.1% 158 23.6% 242 34.4% 414 32.2% 16 17.8%
High myopia
(≤ −6.00 D)
160 11.6% 61 9.1% 99 14.1% 161 12.5% 10 11.1%
≥ +0.50 D)
Low to moderate hyperopia
(≥ +0.50 D and < +3.00 D)
65 4.7% 45 3.3% 33 4.9% 25 3.7% 32 4.5% 20 2.8% 46 3.6% 29 2.3% 19 21.1% 16 17.8%
High hyperopia
(≥ +3.0 D)
20 1.5% 8 1.2% 12 1.7% 17 1.3% 3 3.3%
Emmetropia with astigmatism (MRSE; > −0.5 D to < +0.5 D),
but cylinder ≥ 0.50 DC)
47 3.4%     28 4.18%     19 2.7%     43 3.35%     4 4.4%    
MRSE- Manifest refraction spherical equivalent, D- Diopter, DC- Diopter cylinder