Table 1: Differential characteristics of various drusen in AMD.

Different types of drusen Sizes Edges Shape Location Risks related to AMD References
Soft Large (>125 ìm) Distinct or indistinct edge Dome-shaped Central retina Increases the risk of severe AMD and RPE pigmentation [84, 85]
Hard Small (<63 ìm) Distinct edge Round Throughout the retina Increases risk of presentation of soft drusen [86]
Cuticular drusen Small
(25-75 ìm)
Uniformly sized, “stars in the sky” pattern Triangular, saw tooth Around fovea Increases the risk of CNV [86-88]
Reticular pseudodrusen Large
(100-250 ìm)
Networks of oval or round lesions Located on apical surface of RPE Increases the risk of advanced forms of AMD [89-92]