Table 4: Comparative Data of the Inner Retina

Animal Ganglion Cell Number (Average) % of Amacrine Cells of the Ganglion Cell Layer Neurons Astrocytes in the Inner Retina
Mouse 32,000 – 87,000 [56] 59% [59] +
Rat 72,371 - 113,000 [52-58] 50% [60,61] +
Rabbit 250,000 - 394,000 [63,64,66] 31,7% [67,68] (+), only in vascular streak region [62]
Quail 2,000,000 [73] ? [73] Ø [69]
Chicken 2,400,000 [74] - 35% [75,76] Ø [69]
Pig 442,629 [77] 31% [78] +, mainly around vessels [79,80]
Cat 193,000 [82] 80% [107-109] +, mainly around nerve fibers [103-105]
Dog 148,303 [81]   +, mainly around vessels [102]
Monkey 900,000 – 1,500,000 [110-113] Fovea 5%, nasal 30%, temporal 50% [115] +, mainly around vessels
Human 700,000 – 1,500,000 [114] Fovea 3%, peripheral - 80% [114] +, mainly around vessels

? = No quantified or estimated data available.Ø = no, (+) = limited, + = ubiquitous presence of astrocytes.