Table 1: Disease Manifestations at Presentation and During Follow-Up for Patients with Cystic Visceral Lesions

ID Mutation Lesions at Presentation New Lesions During Follow-Up
Cystic Visceral Other Visceral CNS Ocular Cystic Visceral Other Visceral CNS Ocular
1 MissenseExon 1 Epididymal cystadenoma Renal cyst 2 x Right peripheral RCH
2 Missense (variant) Renal cyst Bilateral PCC
3 Deletion Exons 1 - 3 Spinal cord HGB Pancreatic cyst Cerebellar HGB
4 Deletion Exon 3 Spinal cord HGB Renal cyst Cerebellar HGB
5 Deletion Exons 1-3 Cerebellar HGB Pancreatic cyst Renal cyst
6 Deletion Exon 2 Right peripheral RCH Pancreatic cyst Spinal cord HGB

HGB, haemangioblastoma; PCC, phaeochromocytoma; RCH, retinal capillary haemangioma.