Table 3: Final regression Model R2 and coefficients for Quick DASH score.

Model R R square Adjusted R square Standard error of the estimate
1 .677a .458 .361 16.13088
Model Unstandardized coefficients B Standardized coefficients Beta t Significance
(Constant) 51.601 3.489 .001
Age -.104 -.072 -.526 .602
Touch threshold of little finger, unaffected hand 1.232 .407 3.174 .003
Vibration threshold of little finger, unaffected hand -.244 -.148 -1.024 .312
Median/ ulnar Vibration ratio 3.452 .214 1.698 .097
Pain Tolerance Unaffected hand .529 .233 1.160 .253
Grip strength of affected hand -.574 -.345 -1.049 .301
Pinch strength of affected hand -2.493 -.310 -1.065 .293