Table 4: coefficients for dexterity of affected hand.

Model R R square Adjusted R square Standard error of the estimate
1 .828a .685 .629 14.58799
Model Unstandardized coefficients B Standardized coefficients Beta t Significance
(Constant) 18.335 1.371 0.18
Age .612 .356 3.427 0.001
Touch threshold of little finger, unaffected hand -.166 -.046 -.474 .648
Vibration threshold of little finger, unaffected hand 1.166 .596 5.406 0.000
Median/ ulnar Vibration ratio -.650 -.034 -.354 0.73
Pain Tolerance Unaffected hand -.107 -.040 -.261 0.80
Grip strength of affected hand -.820 -.416 -1.658 0.10
Pinch strength of affected hand 1.675 .176 .792 0.43