Table 1: The in-brace correction and the outcome of bracing in different studies following the SRS (2005) guidelines. RSC refers to Rigo System Cheneau brace. Cheneau + ex refers to Cheneau brace and PSSE. T1 (B) refers to baseline Cobb angle before bracing. T2 refers to Cobb angle after bracing. % corr refers to the percentage of in-brace correction. Imp% refers to percentage of improvement of curves by more than 6o; stab % refers to curves change within ± 5o of baseline measurement; worse % refers to percentage of curves increase by 6o or more. Surg % refers to percentage of patients that required surgery for treatment. NR refers to “not reported”.

Brace Authors Age No/Sex T1 (B) T2 % Corr Imp % Stab % Worse % Surg %
Rosenberg Spoonamore et al. 2004 10 to 16 59F12M 30.9 21.5 30 - 43.7 56.3 31
Boston Yrjönen et al. 2007 14.9 33M 31.5 18.8 40 - 81.8 18.2 6
Boston Yrjönen et al. 2007 13 33F 31.9 16.8 47 - 72.7 27.3 NR
RSC Maruyama 2015 11.9 27F, 6M 30.8 14.2 54 24.2 51.6 24.2 12
Lyon de Mauroy 2011 13.8 1338 29.5 10.8 63 67.2 27.8 5 NR
Cheneau + ex De Giorgi 2013 11.3 48 27 7.6 72 100 0 0