Table 1: Parameters investigated in relation to the HTAD and their predictive value.

Parameters investigated p-value (HTAD)
HTAD 0.0001 ****
Morbidity and Osteoporosis
Morbidity (pre-existing illness or not) 0.0012 **
Morbidity (1 vs. 2 vs. 3 vs. 4 vs. 5) 0.8553
Morbidity (hypertension, orthopedic operations, and diabetes) 0.0106 *
Morbidity (coronary heart disease, hypertension, post myocardial infarction, and diabetes) 0.0409 *
Morbidity (tumor disease, hypertension, and diabetes) 0.0220 *
Osteoporosis 0.9576
Circumstances and patient characteristics
Type of accident 0.0900
Polytrauma 0.4037
BMI 0.5142
Gender 0.0695
Age (<65 vs. >65 years) 0.1803
Time until operation, stay in the hospital
Time until admission 0.6105
Time between accident and operation 0.5014
Stay in the hospital (<1 month, >1 month) 0.4876
Operative treatment
Reduction (adequate/not adequate) 0.0443 *
Locking plate vs. Non-locking plate 0.3124
Time of surgery (<90 vs. 90-180 vs. >180) 0.0102 *
Mobilization (<3 days vs. >1 week) 0.6811
Postoperative treatment
Ambulatory physiotherapy (whether or not) 0.7072
CPM 0.0164 *