Table 1: Socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics and in-hospital outcomes in older hip fracture patients by serum urea levels on admission.

      Variables All patients
Urea>7.5 mmol/L (n=800) Urea≤7.5 mmol/L (n=1019) P Value
Age, years
      Females 83.4±7.7 84.9±7.3 82.3±7.9 <0.001
      Males 80.6±9.0 83.4±7.2 78.0±9.7 <0.001
      Both genders 82.8±8.1 84.5±7.3 81.4±8.5 <0.001
Age >75 years, n (%) 1511(83.1) 719(89.9) 792(77.7) <0.001
Age >80 years, n (%) 1288(70.8) 629(78.6) 659(64.7) <0.001
Males/Females, n 429/1390 206/594 223/796 0.054
From RCF, n (%) 636(35.0) 300(37.5) 336(33.0) 0.044
CKD, n (%) 789(43.4) 566(70.8) 223(21.9) <0.001
CAD, n (%) 49(26.9) 261(32.6) 229(22.5) <0.001
MI, n (%) 133(7.3) 84(10.5) 49(4.8) <0.001
HT, n (%) 937(51.5) 451(56.4) 486(47.7) <0.001
      Hb<110g/L, n (%) 355(19.5) 194(24.3) 161(15.8) <0.001
      Hb<120g/L, n (%) 699(38.4) 370(46.3) 329(32.3) <0.001
CVA, n (%) 219(12.0) 83(10.4) 136(13.3) <0.053
DM, n (%) 175(9.6) 92(11.5) 83(8.1) 0.016
Smoker, n (%) 100(5.5) 33(4.1) 67(6.6) 0.024
Alcohol+, n (%) 92(5.1) 25(3.1) 68(6.6) 0.001
Urea, mmol/L 8.5±7.4 12.4±9.8 5.4±1.4 <0.001
Creatinine, µmol/L 92.9±60.0 119.0±80.3 72.3±20.5 <0.001
GFR, ml/min/1.73m2 62.5±22.1 49.1±20.5 72.9±17.2 <0.001
PTH, pmol/L 8.5±7.4 10.4±9.1 7.1±5.3 <0.001
25(OH)D, mmol/L 48.3±28.8 50.3±29.2 46.7±28.4 0.016
ALP, IU/L 100.8±70.7 106.5±86.7 96.3±54.7 0.003
Bilirubin, µmol/L 12.4±8.1 11.7±6.8 12.9±8.9 0.003
      LOS, days 19.0±22.3 20.5±25.7 17.8±19.2 0.011
      LOS>20 days, % 28.4 31.2 26.2 0.021
      HPIR, % 16.5 22.1 12.1 0.012
      Died, % 6.0 9.4 3.3 <0.001

Abbreviations: RCF, residential care facility (permanent); CKD, chronic kidney disease (GFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2); CAD, coronary artery disease; MI, history of myocardial infarction; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DM, diabetes mellitus type 2; Hb, haemoglobin; Alcohol+, alcohol over-user (≥3 drinks/week); GFR, glomerular filtration rate; PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25(OH) vitamin D; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; LOS, length of hospital stay; HPIR, high postoperative inflammatory response (C-reactive protein >150mg/L after the 3rd postoperative day). Notes: Continuous data are expressed as mean ± SD and categorical data as number (%). Only statistically significant associations shown. There was no significant differences between patients with and without elevated serum urea on admission in prevalence of hip fracture type (cervical fracture: 51.0% vs. 55.2%, p=0.074), dementia (33.7% vs. 31.5%, p=0.335), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (11.7% vs. 11.4%, p=0.900), transient cerebral ischaemic attack (7.8% vs. 7.9%, p=0.956), Parkinson’s disease (4.9% vs. 4.7%, p=0.855), walking aids users (40.0% vs.36.1%, p=0.077) or ex- smokers (12.6 vs.13.2%, p=0.713). There were also no significant differences between the two groups with respect to mean values of albumin (36.9 vs. 36.8g/L, p=0.921), alanine aminotransferase (ALT, 23.6 vs.25.9IU/L, p=0.471), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT, 55.8 vs. 57.8 IU/L, p=0.696), GGT/ALT ratio (2.9 vs.2.9, p=0.970), transferrin saturation (10.9 vs. 10.9%, p=0.948) and CRP (99.8 vs. 89.2mg/L, p=0.338).