Table 2: Sensibility and specificity of imaging diagnostic test.

Tests Pelvic Incidence on Radio Year Description of a Positive Test Se* Sp*
Klein’s line AP 1952 Klein's line fails to intersect the lateral part of the proximal epiphysis (femoral head) 68.3% 89.0%
Modified Klein’s line AP 2009 The epiphyseal width lateral to Klein’s Line ≥ 2 mm between hips 79%+ NR
Southwick Head Shaft Angle
Frog –leg (lateral) 1967 head shaft angle ≥ 13° NR NR
The Wilson Percent Epiphyseal Displacement Frog –leg (lateral) 1960 displacement of the epiphysis < 1/3 of the diameter of the
femoral neck
The Metaphyseal Blanch Sign of Steel AP 1986 semicircular area of increased density on the proximal part of the femoral neck NR NR
The S-sign Frog –leg (lateral) 2017 Broken continuity of the S, asymmetry, or sharp turns of the S-sign 89.0% 95.2%
Combination of S-sign and Klein's Line Lateral and AP 2017 Combination of the positive results of the two parameters 96.5% 85.0

Se= sensitivity; Sp= Specificity.; * Green DW et al. [16]; + Tosounidis T et al. [15].