Table 1: Patient demographics, visual analog scale, and range of motion of the frozen shoulder and unaffected shoulder.

Median IQR
Age (years) 54.5 49.5, 62.0
Disease period (month) 7.5 5.8, 9.0
Number of steroid injections 3 3, 3
VAS 5.3 4.0, 7.4
ROM of the affected side (°)
FE 100 87.5, 120
ABD 60 40, 80
ER 7.5 0, 10
IR B L5, B
ROM of the unaffected side (°)
FE 170 167.5, 175
ABD 170 167.5, 175
ER 60 55, 62.5
IR T8 T7, T9
ASES score 42 33, 56.5