Table 4: Potential Strategies That May Be Applied Independently or Interactively For Countering Anxiety in the Context Of Osteoarthritis Care and that Should Be Carefully Examined In The Future to Avoid Highlighted Negative Impacts And Lack of Apparent Potency [Adapted from references [71-94].

Patient driven Provider driven Other
     ▪ Acceptance therapy
     ▪ Art therapy
     ▪ Dance therapy
     ▪ Exercise
     ▪ Guided Imagery
     ▪ Journaling
     ▪ Mindfulness meditation
     ▪ Music therapy
     ▪ Muscle specific training + exercise
     ▪ Nutrient optimization
     ▪ Positive effect journaling
     ▪ QiJong
     ▪ Spa therapy
     ▪ Stress control
     ▪ TaiChi
     ▪ Yoga
     ▪ Cognitive behavioral therapy
     ▪ Comprehensive evaluation and follow up of needs
     ▪ Counseling
     ▪ Education
     ▪ Group therapy
     ▪ Holistic careful individualized treatment
     ▪ Massage
     ▪ Medication monitoring and usage of Occupational therapy
     ▪ Pain relief/control
     ▪ Pastoral care/religious support
     ▪ Pharmacologic therapy + effective pain medication
     ▪ Physical therapy
     ▪ Psychotherapy
     ▪ Relaxation therapy
     ▪ Self-efficacy training
     ▪ Skills training
     ▪ Sleep related interventions
     ▪ Empathetic patient-centered approach
     ▪ Family and social support
     ▪ Resource support as indicated
     ▪ Target inflammation
     ▪ Target pain communication processes
     ▪ Yoga + education