Table 1: The Outcome of the Operations was Assessed 6-12 Months Postoperatively Using the Bishop Rating System as Fellows: Excellent: 10-12 Points, Good: 7-9 Points and Poor: 0-6 Points

Variable Points

Satisfied 2
Satisfied with reservation 1
Dissatisfied 0

Better 2
Unchanged 1
Worse 0

Severity of residual symptoms (pain, parasthesia, weakness, clumsiness)
Asymptomatic 3
Mild 2
Moderate 1
Severe 0

Work status
Working or able to work at previous job 1
Not working because of ulnar neuropathy 0

Leisure activity
Unlimited 1
Limited 0

Intrinsic muscle strength normal (M5) 2
Intrinsic muscle strength reduced to M4 1
Intrinsic muscle strength less than or equal to M3 0

Sensibility (static two point discrimination)
Normal (≤ 6 mm) 1
Abnormal (> 6mm) 0

Total 0