Table 3: Changes from Baseline to End of Treatment Among 56 Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome, with Intention-to-Treat Analysis. Values are Mean (95% Confidence Interval) According to One Analysis of Variance

Variables Change in Score p-Value
High-Dosage Exercise Group (n = 29) Low-Dosage Exercise Group (n = 27)
Pain (VAS: 0=no pain, 10=max) -3.8 (-1.4 to -4.6) -2,0 (-0.1 to -3.2) 0.01
Function(SRQ: 17=worse, 90=best) 25.7 (19.1 to 32.1) 7,7 (4.5 to 10.9) 0.01
Satisfaction (2=worse, 10=best) 3.9 (2.1 to 5.7) 2,1 (0.9 to 3.2) 0.03
Range of Motion (Degrees)
- Flexion 31 (7 to 40) 7 (-2 to 20) 0.01
- Abduction 42 (26 to 54) 12 (-2 to19) 0.01
Isometric Strength (N)
- Abduction 34 (24 to 44) 17 (9 to 24) 0.03
- Flexion 33 (20 to 41) 4 (-1 to 10) 0.07
- Internal rotation 15 (7 to 24) 13 (5 to 17) 0.19
- External rotation 28 (8 to 38) 9 (-3 to 17) 0.04