Table 5: Change of the Absolute Value of Cobb Angle, Kyphotic Deformation and Beck Index a) from Preoperatively to Postoperatively and b) from Preoperatively to the Latest Follow-Up, Considering the Preoperative Measurement as Covariate and Using the Analysis of Covariance Model

Pre-Op vs Post-Op Pre-Op vs Follow-Up
Adjusted Mean Change-95%CI p-value Adjusted Mean Change-95%CI p-Value
Cobb angle
Short-segment -11.88 (-15.6/-7.3 ) N.S -8.3 (-5.1/-11.6) 0.04
Long-segment -14.1 (-10.1/-18.2) -11 (-7.4/-14.6)
Kyphotic deformation
Short-segment -13,2 (-18.2/-8.2) N.S 0,5 (-2/+3) <0.0005
Long-segment -12,7 (-18.5/-6.3) 35 (-5/+75)
Beck index
Short-segment 0,31 (0,2/0,4) N.S 0,30 (0,2/0,4) N.S
Long-segment 0,32 (0,2/0,4) 0,31 (0,2/0,4)