Table 4: Mean ± SD Values for the Distance Between Spinal Canal and Transverse Foramens (dSC-TF). Significant Differences (p<0.05) were Detected at C2, C3, C4 Levels of the Cervical Spine (Bold)

Level Distances of Transverse Spinal Foramens from Cervical Canal (mm)
Right Left
Male Female Male Female
C1 8.8091±1.50 8.325±1.02 8.619±1.49 8.175±1.062
C2 4.571±1.32 4.037±0.99 4.529±1.32 3.750±1.00
C3 4.761±0.94 4.250±1.00 4.428±1.12 3.875±0.88
C4 4.523±0.92 4.00±1.15 4.420±1.07 3.687±0.94
C5 4.429±1.07 4.062±0.99 4.340±1.11 4.00±1.154
C6 4.429±1.12 4.307±1.21 4.428±1.03 4.30±1.095
C7 5.904±1.48 5.687±1.25 5.523±1.43 5.437±0.81