Table 3: Regression models describing Pressure Pain sensitivity predictors of neck disability (depended variable = neck disability index, N=44).

Test Locations Pressure Pain Sensitivity in the Model: Beta (p Values) are Shown Model
Left Threshold Left Tolerance Right Threshold Right Tolerance p Value
Cervical spine at level of C2 -.13 (.79) -.11 (.85) -.13 (.83) -.19 (.79) .28 .02*
Cervical spine at level of C6 .01 (.99) -.62 (.32) -1.02 (.20) 1.12 (.24) .26 .03*
Upper Trapezium muscle (UpTrap) .38 (.54) -.27 (.68) -.66 (.22) .08 (.88) .25 .03*
Anterior aspect of Tibia (shine bone) .23 (.66) -.91 (.13) -.45 (.34) .64 (.23) .28 .02*

Abbreviation/Symbol: * R2 are significant at 0.05 level. Significant R2 are bolded.