Table 1: Characteristics of the 3 samples used in the different analyses.

  FULL (N = 123) CROSS (N = 46) LONG (N = 29)
Sex (% female) 58.4% 58.7% 72.4%
Age (mean, SD) 42.1 (12.9) 38.1 (13.5) 42.6 (13.6)
Duration of symptoms<3 months≥3 months  49.0%51.0%  100.0%0.0%  100.0%0.0%
Region affected (%)*NeckLow backLower extremityUpper extremity  63.6%38.3%18.7%12.1%  58.7%23.9%28.3%43.5%  44.9%13.8%27.6%37.9%
Mechanism of injury (%)Motor vehicle accidentOther type of impactFall, trip or slipAwkward lifting/twistingOther  42.9%21.9%4.8%5.7%23.8%  53.3%13.3%11.1%13.3%8.9%  44.8%6.9%31.0%6.9%10.3%
Medicolegal status (%)Motor vehicle insuranceWorker’s compensationCurrent litigation  39.1%19.5%9.5%  39.1%13.0%8.7%  31.0%6.9%0.0%
Work status at inceptionFull pre-injuryModified returnDisability leaveOff for other reasons  36.3%42.2%21.6%2.0%  36.7%43.3%20.0%6.7%  56.3%37.5%6.3%0.0%

* : Respondents could choose more than 1 region affected if applicable.