Table 6: Correlation between the Wakitani score, the Pineda score, and the peripheral and central NIRS measurements for the respective groups.

Group E NIRS Central NIRS Peripheral Wakitani Pineda
NIRS central 1 -1* -1* -1*
NIRS peripheral -1* 1 0.316 0.600
Wakitani -1* 0.316 1 0.949
Pineda -1* 0.600 0.949 1
Group U NIRS Central NIRS Peripheral Wakitani Pineda
NIRS central 1 -0.800 0.775 0.105
NIRS peripheral -0.800 1 -0.258 0.211
Wakitani 0.775 -0.258 1 0.544
Pineda 0.105 0.211 0.544 1
Group S NIRS Central NIRS Peripheral Wakitani Pineda
NIRS central 1 -1* -1* 1*
NIRS peripheral -1* 1 -0.632 -0.369
Wakitani -1* -0,632 1 -0.028
Pineda 1* -0.369 -0.028 1
Group S+BMCC NIRS Central NIRS Peripheral Wakitani Pineda
NIRS central 1 -0.684 -0.725 -0.865
NIRS peripheral -0.684 1 0.725 0.649
Wakitani -0.725 0.725 1 0.745
Pineda -0.865 0.649 0.745 1