Table 2: Bivariate analysis showing determinants of hypertension.

Variables HTN n (%) No HTN n (%) p-value
Age (years)
>35 179 (64.9) 97 (35.1) <0.001
≤ 35 49 (38.6) 78 (61.4)
Marital Status
Ever Married 140(63.6) 80(36.4) 0.002
Never Married 88(48.1) 95(51.9)
Level of Education
No Formal School 12(80.0) 3(20) 0.003
Grade 1-7 44(74.6) 15(25.4)
Grade 8-12 155(52.2) 142(47.8)
Tertiary 17(53.1) 15(46.9)
2000 and below 99(58.9) 69(41.1) 0.420
Above 2000 129(54.9) 106(45.1)
Black 212(56.4) 164(43.6) 0.771
Coloured 16(59.3) 11(40.7)
Period of Driving
5 Years and Below 56(42.1) 77(57.9) <0.001
Above 5years 172(63.7) 98(36.3)
Yes 115(57.8) 84(42.2) 0.627
No 113(55.4) 91(44.6)
Obese 114(75.5) 37(24.5) <0.001
Not Obese 114(45.2) 138(54.8)
Yes 52 (82.5) 11 (17.5) <0.001
No 176 (51.8) 164 (48.2)
Abdominal Obesity
Yes 176 (71.0) 72(29.0) <0.001
No 52(33.5) 103(66.5)
Have you Ever Consumed any Alcoholic Drink
Yes 153(63.7) 87(36.3) <0.001
No 75(46.0) 88(54.0)
How Often Do You Take Sweet Drinks
Never 16(94.1) 1(5.9) 0.006
Rarely 22(66.7) 11(33.3)
Sometimes 46(55.4) 37(44.6)
Often 144(53.3) 126(46.7)

HTN- Hypertension