Table 7: The estimation results of the health status 2 for treatment groups.

Variable Coefficient t-statistik
C 0.35 1.66***
Dsick -0.14 -3.83*
Map 0.43 2.54**
GD 0.45 3.17*
Kol 0.03 0.21
InfMAP 0.18 1.20
InfGD 0.24 0.76
InfKol 0.24 0.94
UndMAP -0.29 -1.11
UndGD -0.53 -1.64***
UndKol -0.21 -0.65
R squared = 0.51
F statistic = 4.09
Prob (F stat) = 0.00
* denotes significance at α = 1%
** denotes significance at α = 5%
*** denotes significance at α = 10%