Table 2: Inter-correlations between subjective well-being, affect regulation strategies, self-esteem, family cohesion and social support variables.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Happiness
2. Life Satisfaction .72**
3. Behavioral .39** .37**
4. Cognitive .35** .31** .56**
5. Situation-focus .30** .27** .39** .57**
6. Affect-focus .27** .32** .24** .29** .29**
7. Disengagement -.10 -.07 -.10* -.23** -.32** -.19**
8. Avoidance -.16** -.15** -.13* -.24** -.24** -.30** .50**
9. Self-Esteem .18** .23** .05 .04 .08 .11* -.06 -.14**
10. Family Cohesion .31** .36** .17** .13* .11* .11* -.03 .06 .07
11. Social Support .43** .38** .35** .22** .18** .18** -.06 -.14** .14** .26**

Notes: ** p<.01, * p<.05; The numbers from 1-11 in the first raw correspond to the numbers of the variables in the first column.