Table 4: Correlation matrix of the relationship between BMI and cardiovascular risk factors (n=223).

Variables Age (yr.) BMI (Kg/m2) SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) FBG (mmol/l) WC (cm)
Age (yr.) 1
BMI (Kg/m2) 0.023 1
SBP(mmHg) 0.019 0.352 ⃰ 1
DBP(mmHg) -0.005 0.136 0.577 ⃰ 1
FBG(mmol/l) -0.013 0.157 0.163 0.070 1
WC (cm) -0.004 0.791 ⃰ 0.235 ⃰ 0.077 0.139 1

**Significant at 0.01; *Significant at 0.05- Pearson moment correlation coefficient; WC, waist circumference; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; yr., year.