Table 3: Description of health needs factors.

Characteristics Frequency (n = 328) Percent
ANC visit frequency
   <4 ANC 191 58.2
   ≥4 ANC 137 41.8
ANC Places (n=252)
   Government health facility 206 81.7
   Non-government health facility 46 18.3
Perceived “good quality” of ANC
   No 264 80.5
   Yes 64 19.5
Parity of mother
   3+ 155 47.3
   Second 93 28.4
   First 80 24.4
Planning of last pregnancy
   No 185 56.4
   Yes 143 43.6
Advised for health facility delivery (n=252)
   No 113 44.8
   Yes 139 52.2
Birth preparedness and complication readiness
   No 190 57.9
   Yes 138 42.1
Association in women group/network
   No 231 70.4
   Yes 97 29.6
Heard about Safe Delivery Incentive Program
   No 153 46.6
   Yes 175 53.4
Exposed to maternal health message
   No 236 72
   Yes 92 28
Absence of health workers in health facility
   No 227 69.2
   Yes 101 30.8
Perceived discriminatory behavior of health worker
   No 240 73.2
   Yes 88 26.8
Visit with female community health volunteer
   No 70 21.3
   Yes 258 78.7