Table 3: Reported fair/poor self-rated health by Health-related factors (n = 6 192).

n Fair/Poor
% 95% CI p-value
Total 6 192 18.1 15.3-20.8
Medical Aid
Yes* 1 305 13.8 10.3-18.2 0.052
No 4 851 18.5 15.7-21.8
Last Healthcare Attendance
Within the past six months* 3 217 27.7 23.3-32.7 < 0.001
More than six months but not more than a year ago 1 254 10 7.2-13.7
More than one year ago 1 472 10.8 8.1-14.2
Never 232 4.2 1.7-10.1
Yes* 395 31.1 20.9-43.4 0.008
No 5 778 17.3 14.7-20.4
Physical Activity
Not Active* 4 042 22.7 19.3-26.5 < 0.001
Moderate Activity 847 13.7 9.7-18.9
Vigorous Activity 1 290 6.2 4-9.4
Alcohol Use
Non-excessive drinkers* 5 557 17.2 14.8-20 0.004
Excessive drinkers 131 29.9 19.5-42.9
Chronic Condition
Yes* 1 360 47.3 41-53.8 < 0.001
No 4 811 11.1 9.1-13.5
HIV Status
Negative* 4 256 16.6 14-19.6 0.001
Positive 723 22.6 17.9-28.1

Note: Subtotals do not add up to the overall Total (n) due to non-response or missing data CI-Confidence Intervals. * = Reference category in multivariate model.