Table 2: Socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics of study participants stratified by STH infection.

Characteristic Infected (N=59) Uninfected (N=352) P-value
(n) (%) (n) (%)
Education of Guardian
No formal education 3 5.1 25 7.2 0.925 a
Primary 23 39.0 139 39.1
Secondary and above 33 55.9 187 53.7
Occupation of Guardian
Self-employment 38 64.4 219 62.9 0.915c
Formal employment 11 18.6 62 17.8
Unemployment 10 17.0 67 19.3
Household Income
0-500 28 50.0 187 56.7 0.284a
501-1000 18 32.1 67 20.3
1001-2000 5 8.9 31 9.4
2001-3500 2 3.6 31 9.4
3501-5000 2 3.6 10 3.0
>5001 1 1.8 4 1.2
Total Bedrooms in a Household
Median (IQR) 2(2-3) 3(2-3) 0.579b
Total members in a Household
Median (IQR) 6(4-8) 6(4-8) 0.8049b
No. in a Shared Room
Median (IQR) 3(2-4) 3(2-3) 0.0417b
Hand Washing
Yes 48 81.4 295 85.1 0.473c
No 11 18.6 52 15.0
Hand Washing with Soap
Yes 43 72.9 251 71.5 0.829c
No 16 27.1 100 28.5
Wearing Shoes
Yes 43 72.9 257 74.3 0.821c
No 16 27.1 89 25.7
Washing of Vegetables
Before Cooking
Yes 53 89.8 317 90.1 0.957c
No 6 10.2 35 9.9

aFishers exact - Chi-square test. bTwo-sample Wilcoxon rank sum test. cChi-square test