Table 1: The demographic characteristic of participants with and without the experience of nausea and vomiting.

Variables Nausea and Vomiting Absence of Nausea and Vomiting
Mean± SD Mean± SD P
Age 26.45 ±4.895 25.39±5.128 0.126
Gestational age 8.44±1.180 8.24±1.185 0.229
Gravid 1.75±.821 1.51±.775 0.33
Para 0.67±.723
Job Housewife 229(95.4) 69(98.6) 0.203
Employee 11(4.6) 1(1.4)
Level of education No educated 4(1.7) 1(1.4) 0.962
elementary 54(22.5) 14(20)
Guidance 71(29.6) 19(27.1)
High school 13(5.4) 5(7.1)
Diploma 78(32.5) 26(37.1)
Upper level 20(8.3) 5(7.1)