Table 3: Participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge and observance of steps of sterilization at HKM CNHU in Benin, 2013.

Variables Frequencies (n=51) Percentage (%)
    Male 27 52.9
    Female 24 47.1
    Nurse/Mid wife 26 51
    Nurse assistant 15 29.4
    Laboratory skilled agents 06 11.8
    Trainees 04 7.8
Training in sterilization
    Yes 28 54.9
    No 23 45.1
Knowledge of steps sterilization
    Yes 12 23.5
    No 39 76.5
Observance of steps of sterilization
    Yes 13 25.5
    No 38 74.5

The average age of respondents was 41 ± 7.5 years. Table shows that 45.1% of workers have not received training in the field of sterilization.