Table 3: Barriers to physical activity in relation to gender.

Barriers Males Females Total a P- Value
Personal Barriers N % N % N (%)
Chronic disease 133 46.5% 153 53.5% 286 (33.33%) 0.272
Disease limiting movement 39 49.4% 40 50.6% 79(9.20%) 0.854
Exercise is boring 32 40.5% 47 59.5% 79(9.20%) 0.066
Laziness 172 45.5% 206 54.5% 378(44.3%) 0.009** b
Cost of joining the gym 36 51.4% 34 48.6% 70(8.2%) 0.851
Traditional clothes 22 53.7% 19 46.3% 41(4.8%) 0.664
Physical activity would ruin my appearance 7 53.8% 6 46.2% 13(1.5%) 0.779
Work duties 309 50.6% 302 49.4% 611(71.21%) 0.595
Lack of time 126 38.2% 204 61.8% 330(38.6%) 0.000** b
Fatigue, tiredness 68 37.6% 113 62.4% 181(21.1%) 0.000** b
Excessive internet, TV 83 47.4% 92 52.6% 175(20.4%) 0.386
No past habit of physical activity 24 40.0% 36 60.0% 60(7%) 0.096
Mean number of personal barriers 1.84±1.54 2.32±1.67 2.08±1.62 0.292c
Social factors
Family responsibilities 120 38.8% 189 61.2% 309(36.1%) 0.000** b
Lack of family support 31 38.8% 49 61.2% 80(9.3%) 0.029** b
Lack of support from friends/relatives 51 51.5% 48 48.5% 99(11.6%) 0.796
Social norms 20 44.4% 25 55.6% 45(5.3%) 0.416
Mean number of social barriers 0.52±0.718 0.73±0.745 0.62±0.739 0.862 c
Environmental factors
Bad weather 319 49.1% 331 50.9% 650(75.9%) 0.186
Unavailability of nearby facilities 36 37.5% 60 62.5% 96(11.2%) 0.008** b
Lack of safe places 47 53.4% 41 46.6% 88(10.3%) 0.545
Mean number of environmental barriers 0.93±0.663 1.02±0.653 0.97±0.659 0.145 c
Mean of total number of barriers 3.29±2.32 4.08±2.30 3.68±2.347 0.262 c

a more than one answer was allowed in each category b chi square test c t- test **P≤0.05