Table 1: Mean, standard deviations and correlations between four sources and employees’ self-efficacy at work.

S.No. Variable M SD (1)
1 Self-efficacy at work 3.24 0.39 -
2 Mastery experiences 2.24 0.54 r = -.007, ns
3 Vicarious experiences 3.14 0.60 r = .365, p = .000
4 Verbal persuasion 2.69 0.39 r = .248, p = .003
5 Physiological and emotional states 3.16 0.53 r = .501, p = .000

In addition, a multiple regression between these three sources shows that “physiological and emotional states” (β = .502, p = .000) plays the most important role in predicting self-efficacy at work, followed by “vicarious experiences” (β = .253, p = .000) and “verbal persuasion” (β = .159, p = .018). Furthermore, the model has adjusted R2 value of .399, which indicates that 39.9% of young employees’ self-efficacy at work could be explained by these three sources predictors.