Table 1: Cross-tabulation based on Gender/Education vs age, geography, and occupation.

Gender / Education (Group)
Female Male
Age University+ Other University+ Other Total %
15 to 19 1 1 0 7 9 2.5%
20 to 25 6 1 11 13 31 8.7%
26 to 35 40 9 27 3 79 22.2%
36 to 45 50 15 34 4 103 28.9%
46 to 55 39 12 27 8 86 24.2%
56 to 65 17 9 12 0 38 10.7%
above 65 3 1 6 0 10 2.8%
Total 156 48 117 35 356 100.0%
Geographical Location
Female Male
Geography University+ Other University+ Other Total %
Africa 37 21 28 11 97 27.2%
Asia 13 4 20 0 37 10.4%
Middle-East 26 3 20 0 49 13.8%
North America 22 3 12 2 39 11.0%
Western Europe 58 17 37 22 134 37.6%
Total 156 48 117 35 356 100.0%
Occupational Sector
Female Male
Occupation University+ Other University+ Other Total %
Education/Training 80 9 47 3 139 39.0%
Other 76 39 70 32 217 61.0%
Total 156 48 117 35 356 100.0%