Fig. (2) Mean scores (SD) for (A) DAS28, (B) total HAQ Disability Index, (C) SF-36 PCS, (D) SF-36 MCS, and (E) SF-36 vitality domain. Treatment modification was permitted at the start of the extension (i.e., after week 24); during the extension, 259/260 patients in the ETN + MTX group continued to receive etanercept and 105/126 patients in the DMARD + MTX group received etanercept. DAS28, Disease Activity Score in 28 joints; DMARD, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug; ETN, etanercept; HAQ, health assessment questionnaire; MCS, mental component summary; MTX, methotrexate; PCS, physical component summary; SF-36, 36-item short-form health survey. Analyses included patients who received at least 1 dose of study drug in the extension phase; LOCF.