Table 2: Pain Measures in Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Controls

Pain Measures FM Patients Mean (SD) HC Mean (SD) ANOVA
Tender points (Kg) (PPT) 1.3 (0.6) --- ---
Thermal pain threshold (°C) (TPT) 39.1 (3.7) 43.1 (3.7) F=26.0; p=0.0001
Experimental pain temperature (°C) 44.1 (2.4) 46.8 (1.1) F=42.9; p=0.0001
Thermal pain tolerance (°C) (TOL) 44.8 (3.1) 47.7 (1.9) F=15.7; p=0.0001
Cold pressor test (CPT) (pain ratings) 87.8 (16.0) 62.6 (26.9) F=30.2; p=0.0001
ICPM efficacy (in %) 0.9 (49.3) 29.0 (26.2) F=10.4; p=0.002

CPT, cold-pressor test; FM, fibromyalgia; HC, healthy control; ANOVA, analysis of variance; PPT, pressor pain threshold; ICPM, inhibitory conditioned pain modulation.