Table 4.: What is your level of concern with the GI tract of your OA/RA patients? Rate on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is “not at all concerned” and 10 is “very concerned” Base: All respondents (n=704). A summary of those who scored an 8 or above is provided in the table below.

Country/Cohort Considered Upper GI Tract % Lower GI Tract %
Total Cohort 65 39
France 33 16
Germany 72 39
Italy 70 31
Spain 77 62
UK 70 40
Switzerland 60 22
Belgium 48 28
Portugal 77 59

Survey answers based on a total sample of n=704 primary care physicians. Sample of approximately 100 physicians from all markets except Switzerland and Belgium (sample size approximately 50 physicians).