Table 2: The mean±SD values of the clinical activity parameters and RF levels in the patient group (descriptives).

  RA (n=110)
Mean ± SD (Min-Max)
Pain by VAS 27.22± 27.17 (0-100)
ESR (mm/h) 23.28± 14.89 (2-65)
CRP (mg/dL) 1.15±0.6 (0.3-14.4)
DAS28-ESR 2.72 ± 0.78 (0.68-4.47)
DAS28-CRP 1.37±0.51 (0.96-2.82)
RF 122.01±156.59 (10-640)

VAS: visual analog scale, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP:C-reactive protein, DAS: Disease activity score, RF: Rheumatoid factor, min: minimum, max: maximum, SD: standard deviation.