Table 2: Profiles of 10 Joints of 10 Patients whose Pain Improved during Treatment. JS: Joint Space.

Group A Age (Years) Gender Pain at Latest MRI at Onset MRI 6M After Onset KL Grading at Onset KL Grading 3M After Onset Radiographic Progression
1 72 F P0 Local No I II Yes
2 72 F P0 Local No I II Yes
3 67 F P0 Broad No II II:  More JS narrowing Yes
4 65 F P0 Broad No I II Yes
5 62 F P0 Broad Broad III IV Yes
6 56 M P0 Broad Not yet (no pain) II - Unknown
7 59 M P0 Local Not yet (no pain) I I No
8 55 F P0 Broad Not yet (no pain) III - Unknown
9 63 F P1 Broad No I II Yes
10 67 F P1 Local No II II:  More JS narrowing Yes
Average 63.8