Table 2 .: Results of Spirometry, Bronchodilation Test, Skin Prick Test and PAQLQ Scores

  Under Control (n=98) Not Under Control n=36 All Patients n=134
Negative Bronchodilation Test (n=81) Positive Bronchodilation Test (n=17)
Mean FVC ± SD 106.% ± 13.5% 110%±15% 99%±16 105%±15%
Mean FEV1 ± SD 99%± 12% § 92%±10% § 85%±20 $ 94%± 15.5%
97%±18% $
Mean FEV1/FVC ± SD 94%±9.6% # 84%±11% # 85.05%± 13 ¥ 90%± 12%
92%±10.5% ¥
Delta FEV1*≥12% 0 17 (100%) 17(47%) 34(25%)
17 (17%)
SPT positive results Grass pollens 85(87%) 14 (82%) 32(89%) 117(87%)
71 (88%)
House dust mites 41 (42%) 5(29%) 19(53%) 60(45%)
36 (44%)
Cat dander 35 (36%) 4(23.5%) 15(42%) 50(37%)
31 (38%)
Mean PAQLQ score ± SD 6.18±0.75 6.43±0.52 5.42 ±1.18 6.02±0.93

Spirometric data are expressed as percentage of predicted. Statistics showed significant statistical differences in FEV1and in FEV1/FVC between children with apparently under control asthma and with not-controlled asthma ($: p≤0.001 and ¥: p≤0.005 respectively) and between children with under control asthma and a negative or positive response to bronchodilation (§: p≤0.05 and #: p≤0.01 respectively)*deltaFEV1= (FEV1 post bronchodilation – FEV1 at baseline) / FEV1 at baseline; †SPT: Skin Prick Test; ‡PAQLQ: Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire.