Table 3: Proportion (in Percentage) of IGRA Indeterminate and Positive Results in Cohorts of HIV-Infected Patients with Latent Tuberculosis Infection and in HIV-Negative Control Patients Tested with TST, T-SPOT-TB and/or QuantiFERON –TB in Low or High Endemic Tuberculosis Areas

Reference Subjects Number Mean CD4+/µL TST (%) IGRA Results
T-SPOT QF-TB Indeterminate
Brock (Denmark) [39] cohort 590 523 NT NT(a) 4.1 3.4*
Luetkemeyer (USA) [40] cohort 294 132 9.3 NT(a) 8.5* 5.1*
Jones (USA) [41] cohort 201 453 6.8 NT 5.8 4.9*
Rangaka (South Africa) [42] HIV(+) 74 392 52* 52.0 43.0 7.0*
HIV(-) 86 NA(b) 83 59.0 46.0 2.0
Karam (Senegal) [43] cohort 285 180 21.4* 50.6* NT 13.3*
Lawn (South Africa) [44] cohort 40 114 43 62.0 NT 10.0

(a); NT: non tested; (b); NA: non applicable.
* CD4+ cell counts dependent frequency.