Table 1: How Primary Care Physicians are Notified of ED or Hospital Admissions for Asthma Exacerbations

Method of Information* Adult PCPs Pediatricians
Call from the ED 13 (23.2%) 24 (35.3%)
Note, letter, fax or e-mail from the ED 33 (58.9%) 43 (63.2%)
Call from hospital or attending physician 3 (5.4%) 20 (29.4%)
Contact from patient via phone, e-mail or office visit 17 (30.4%) 33 (48.5%)
Do not get notified 11 (19.6%) 7 (10.3%)
Other 0 (0%) 2 (2.9%)

* Sum totals may exceed 100% as respondents were allowed to select all that applied.