Table 3.: Correlation Between HRCT Emphysema Score and Lung Function in 6 Minute Walk Test

Emphysema Score Correlated to NO. R P Value
FVC, L (pre-exercise) 17 -0.748 0.0006
FVC, % predicted (pre-exercise) 17 -0.742 0.0006
FVC, L (post-exercise) 17 -0.764 0.0004
FVC, % predicted (post-exercise) 17 -0.755- 0.0005
FEV1, L (pre-exercise) 17 -0.615 0.0086
FEV1, % predicted (pre-exercise) 17 -0.562 0.0190
FEV1, L (post-exercise) 17 -0.674 0.0030
FEV1, % predicted (post-exercise) 17 -0.614 0.0087
Inspiratory capacity, L (pre-exercise) 17 -0.562 0.0189
Inspiratory capacity, L (post-exercise) 17 -0.663 0.0038
ERV/IC, % (pre-exercise) 17 0.642 0.0054
ERV/IC, % (post-exercise) 17 0.503 0.0396
O2 saturation, % (post-exercise) 17 -0.530 0.0287
Borg scale, (post-exercise) 17 0.609 0.0094
BODE score 17 0.285 0.2674

Abbreviations: FVC: Forced vital capacity; FEV1: Forced expiratory volume second 1; ERV: Expiratory reserve volume; IC: Inspiratory capacity; BODE score: Body mass index (B), Degree of airflow obstruction (O), Functional dyspnea (D), and Exercise capacity (E).