Table 1.: Characteristics of Included Aclidinium Bromide Studies in Patients with Moderate to Severe COPD

Study Duration (Weeks) No. of Subjects Males (%) Mean Age (Years) Mean Baseline FEV1%pred Smoking History (Pack-Yrs) Drug and Dose Main Outcome

Vestbo et al. [9] - 115 69 63 43 48 Acli# 200 µg Onset of bronchodilation
Tiot¤ 18 µg

Jones et al. [10] 843 79 62 53 39 Acli# 200 µg Trough FEV1 at week 12 and 28
52 804 62 65 50 58 Plac*

Joos et al. [12] - 17 100 64 49 44 Acli# 100 µg Area under the FEV1 curve
Acli# 300 µg
Acli# 900 µg
Plac *

Chanez et al. [13] 4 464 83 62 48 45 Acli# 25 µg Trough FEV1 on day 29
Acli# 50 µg
Acli¤ 100 µg
Acli# 200 µg
Acli# 400 µg
Tiot 18 µg

Singh et al. [14] 1 79 59 61 54 51 Acli# 100 µg Area under the FEV1 curve
Acli# 200 µg
Acli# 400 µg
Form& 12 µg

Fuhr et al. [15] 2 30 63 58 56 41 Acli# 400 µg Area under the FEV1 curve (0-12/12h)
Tiot¤ 8 µ

Kerwin et al. [16] 12 561 53 64 54 54 Acli# 200 µg Trough FEV1
Acli# 400 µg

Jones et al. [17] 24 828 67 62 53 40 Acli# 200 µg Trough FEV1
Acli# 400 µg

Maltais et al. [18] 6 181 58 65 51 55 Acli# 200 µg Exercise endurance time

# Aclidinium bromide,
¤ Tiotropium bromide,
* Placebo,
& Formoterol.